6 - Taegeuk Yook-Jang

Attention (Cha-Riut)
Bow (Kyung-Nyeh)
Ready Position (Joon-Bee)

1. Turn 90 degrees left, left down block in left front stance.
2. Keep left foot in original position, right front kick, left palm out middle block in right back stance.
3. Turn right 90 degrees, right down block in right front stance.
4. Keep right foot in original position, left front kick, right palm out middle block in left back stance.
5. Move left foot turn 90 degrees left, step forward, right single knife hand high block in left front stance.
6. Right roundhouse kick. Place right foot in front, turn 90 degrees left, step forward, left palm out high block followed by right middle punch in left front stance.
7. Right front kick, left middle punch in right front stance.
8. Turn right 180 degrees, right palm out high block followed by left middle punch in right front stance.
9. Left front kick, right middle punch in left front stance.
10. Move left foot turn 90 degrees left, slow double down block with tension in joon-bi stance.
11. Step forward, left single knife hand high block in right front stance.
12. Left roundhouse kick. YELL! (Ki-Hap). Place left foot in front, pivot 270 degrees right, right down block in right front stance.
13. Keep right foot in original position, left front kick, right palm out middle block in left back stance.
14. Turn left 180 degrees, left down block in left front stance.
15. Keep left foot in original position, right front kick, left palm out middle block in right back stance.
16. Move right foot, turn left 90 degrees, left double knife hand middle block in right back stance.
17. Step back, right double knife hand middle block in left back stance.
18. Step back, left downward palm block followed by right middle punch in left front stance.
19. Step back, right downward palm block followed by left middle punch in right front stance.

Move right foot

Return to Ready Position (Bah-Roh)
Attention (Cha-Riut)
Bow (Kyung-Nyeh)

Kahm (Water) West, Second son. Water can move a mountain. The symbol kahm means the water, the origin of the life. Water symbolizes a constant flow and the ultimate flexibility.

The movements of this TaeGuk should be performed like water--sometimes standing still like water in a lake, sometimes thriving as a river. Not only must the techniques flow like water but the mind must be flexible as well.

New techniques are single knifehand high section block, roundhouse kick, palm press block and pyunhee suhgi in the middle of the poomse. Special attention must be paid to the foot position right after executing the two roundhouse kicks.