1 - Koryo

Attention (Cha-Riut)
Bow (Kyung-Nyeh)
Ready Position (Joon-Bee)

1. Bring both hands, open, to slightly above head level, palms forward. This is a "look to heaven"
2. Turn 90 degrees counterclockwise (face W), dual middle knifehand blocks in left back stance
3. Step forward, right low side kick, followed by right high side kick without dropping leg
4. Right high knifehand strike (palm down) in right front stance
5. Left hand middle reverse punch
6. Move left foot, right inward middle forearm block in right back stance
7. Turn 180 degrees clockwise (face E), dual middle knifehand blocks in right back stance
8. Step forward, left low side kick, followed by left high side kick without dropping leg
9. Left high knifehand strike (palm down) in left front stance
10. Right hand middle reverse punch
11. Move right foot, left inward middle forearm block in left back stance
12. Turn 90 degrees counterclockwise (face N), left low knifehand/forearm block in left front stance
13. Right hand reverse open hand thrust (done with the inner edge of the hand between thumb and first finger, and done as a strike to the throat)
14. Step forward, right front kick, on landing right low knifehand/forearm block in right front stance
15. Left reverse open hand thrust (as above)
16. Step forward, left front kick, then left low knifehand/forearm block in left front stance
17. Right reverse open hand thrust (as above).Yell! (Ki-Hap)
18. Step forward, right front kick, on landing knee break (grab opponent's heel with the right hand at belt level. Then pull that hand into your chest while, at the same time, pushing downward on the attacker's knee with the left hand) in right front stance
19. Turn 180 degrees clockwise (face S), middle forearm spreading blocks in right front stance
20. Step forward, left front kick, on landing knee break (as above) in left front stance. Then middle forearm spreading blocks in same stance
21. Pivot on left foot, turn 90 degrees clockwise (face W), withdrawing the right foot behing you into left horse stance (chest faces N), left outward knifehand block, right fist at belt
22. Remain in horse stance, right middle hook punch (draw it across body into the palm of the left open hand)
23. Move forward, cross the right foot over the left foot, chamber both fists to the right hip, left high side kick, drop the left foot in front, then rotate
24. Turn 180 degrees clockwise (face E), left low reverse spear thrust (right fist at left shoulder to block) in right front stance
25. Remain in stance, pull slightly back, right low forearm block
26. Move forward, left middle inward palm block in left front stance
27. Move forward, right elbow strike (supporting right fist in left palm) in right horse stance (chest faces N)
28. Remain in stance, right middle knifehand block (left fist chambered at belt)
29. Left middle hook punch (as above)
30. Move forward, cross left foot over right foot, chamber both fists to the left hip, right high side kick, drop the right foot in front, then rotate
31. Turn 180 degrees counterclockwise (face W), right low reverse spear thrust (as above) in left front stance
32. Remain in stance, pull slightly back, left low forearm block
33. Move forward, right middle inward palm block in right front stance
34. Move forward, left elbow strike (supporting left fist in right palm) in left horse stance (chest faces N)
35. Slide your left foot inward and adjacent to the right foot (face N)... Raise both hands (open) above your head in an arcing motion then, bring them down into a left low hammerfist strike (into the right palm) (Slowly & exhaling!)
36. Pivot on the right foot turn 180 degress counterclockwise (face S), left outward knifehand strike (to attacker's neck) in left front stance
37. Remain in stance, left low knifehand/forearm block
38. Move forward, right inward knifehand strike (head/neck level) in right front stance
39. Remain in stance, right low knifehand/forearm block
40. Move forward, left inward knifehand strike (head/neck level) in left front stance
41. Remain in stance, left low knifehand/forearm block
42. Move forward, right open hand thrust (to attacker's throat). Yell! (Ki-Hap)

Pivot on right foot, turn 180 degrees counterclockwise, pull left foot to meet the right

Return to Ready Position (Bah-Roh)
Attention (Cha-Riut)
Bow (Kyung-Nyeh)