Birthday Dinner with Mom
Monday, May 21st, 2001
Zao Noodle and Jook Joint
San Francisco, CA
All Photos © 2001 Ting and Randy Vogel

 Mom Opens Presents
 Randy and Mom
 Mom Reads Her Card
 A Hummingbird Feeder
 Ting's Food
 Fuzzy Randy Food
 Fuzzy Randy Chows Down
 Ting & Mom

Randy's Mom's actual birthday is on the 23rd. We settled on meeting her Monday for dinner instead as that day worked out for all of us. We got her a hummingbird feeder much like the one she liked so much that we had. After opening presents, we headed down to Zao Noodle and Jook Joint for dinner. Both Randy and his food came out fuzzy. Coincidence?